Oecophylla smaragdina "Australia weaver ant" · Queen Ali
Oecophylla smaragdina `` Australia weaver ant''
Workers also have green ass Australian green tree ants
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- Breeding level: Normal
- Distribution: Northern Australia
- Habitat: Arid sclerophyll
- Colony type: single queen system
- Queen: Size (21-23mm)
- Worker: size (10-18mm)
- Soldier Ali:-
- Bait: Nectar bait, insects such as houseflies and crickets, fruits
- Humidity: Feeding area (50-70%) Nest (70-90%)
- Temperature: Feeding area (21-30 ° C) Nest (24-28 ° C)
- Hibernation: None, but often intrinsic dormancy from June to September
- Early Colony: The Queen needs some food to make a worker.
- Other:
About ants sold in our shop
- All queen ants will be shipped in good health and without any defects.
- Never let the purchased individual escape or leave it outside because it cannot be kept for various reasons. If you can't keep it, please contact us.